Tuesday, November 15, 2005

How to know when you're working too hard:

At lunch today, one of my co-workers almost finished eating and said "Oh no! I think I already ate my pickle! Did I eat my pickle?" Much to his dismay, it was no longer on the plate. He ate it, and did not remember eating it. This is classic sign of losing your mind to the routine of mind-numbing tasks. It was a sad moment for us all at that table. When you can't even enjoy a simple part of the day (i.e. the pickle), you know you're working too hard.

Later that afternoon, my friend Melissa emailed me with a sudden physical condition. The eye twitch:

11/15/2005 02:37 PM
To: "Kari"
Subject: RE:

ok my eye keeps twitching, it's making me nervous. it's been doing this all day. what is the matter

You can tell by the tone of her text that she was worried- all lower-case, the lack of puncuation, short sentences, etc. Of course, I assured her nothing was wrong and eye twitching is a completely normal problem when you have been working too hard and staring at a computer screen too long. I am sure there is a much better medical explanation for her ailment, but my email would have to suffice. To stress about an eye twitch would only make it worse.