Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Christmas party getting better? Better than ever before?

The annual Christmas party already has preparations under way. A survey was given to help examine what changes can be made, to make the party even better. I don't really know how it can get better! There are all the makings for a rocking good time. Kareoke (with a stage and all), banquet style food such as fish (seriously), decorations everywhere (the really sparkly kind), and awards for person with the most Holiday spirit. I just realized they do not even call it a holiday party- it is literally the Christmas party. I am sorry to those of you who don't celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

My point is, the survey did not seem to provide much help:

While the event this year will closely mirror previous years, I am well aware of the need for change. My commitment is that we will integrate the thoughts of the committee into next year's festivities and beyond.

So what does this mean? The Head of Building Operations (who puts on this shin-dig) is aware of the need for change but is opting to do nothing about it? He will integrate the thoughts? Meaning they will just think about possible changes, but not actually do them. His ending sounds like the end of a Star Trek epidsode: "into next year's festivities and beyond..." If only the actual event was so magical. All I remember from last year is a cafeteria with sorry decorations, really bad kareoke- worse than you could ever imagine, and food, which I will not even comment on because you all know how I feel about the cafeteria.