Thursday, September 15, 2005

Work Commute

On my way to work this morning, while standing on the above ground L platform, I noticed a man holding a shiny silver juice bag. I squinted to see if he was holding what I thought he was holding- and he was. It was none other than a Capri Sun. I could not believe I was seeing a grown man sip away at a Capri Sun, while wearing a full business suit and carrying a brief case in the other hand. Now I know Capri Sun has come out with new packaging in order to appeal to ages 16-25, but the Capri Sun this man was holding was a vintage model- the kind I remember drinking in the fifth grade (Tropical Punch was my favorite flavor). My mind flooded with memories of the days when Capri Sun was the coolest juice box you could have, and when you were envied by all the other kids who had regular juice boxes from Minute Maid or Hi-Ci. I also remember it taking a certain talent to poke the straw precisely into the hole on the pouch without creating an explosion of juice. They were a great novelty, and I commend both the people who invented the Capri Sun pouch, and the man this morning who let me relive a joy of my childhood.