Thursday, September 22, 2005

Wet carpet, Slippery floor?

I walked up to the cafeteria this afternoon, only to be suddenly alarmed by a sign that said "Wet Carpet, Slippery Floor." After taking several seconds to take in the information, I realized how silly the danger was and I breathed easy. Usually I pay attention to the signs when they are warning me about impending doom, but I had to laugh to myself. I should be scared of a wet carpet? Is it really going to be slippery? The entire second floor (the floor of the cafeteria) is carpeted, so the sign was notplaced to warn of wet tile. I have never been on wet carpet nor have I known it to be slick. I can't believe my company purchased a sign to warn its employees of this possible hazard. But in all honesty, it makes sense. I work in insurance and it is my company's mission to protect. Plus, we know they don't want a lawsuit from someone who slipped on wet carpet.

And never again will I venture to the cafeteria unless it is for a banana, but even the bananas can be quite scary. I decided to get some soup, thinking turkey lentil sounded good. Its nothing more than left over split pea with turkey bits. It was highly peppered, which leads me to believe the (dare I say) Chef was trying to hide some un-appetizing flavor.