Thursday, November 03, 2005

"That did not sound like a woman"

I work in an office where we talk quite often to clients on the phone. All of the sudden, from several cubes back after hearing the receiver set down, I hear, "that did not sound like a woman." It made me think of the many times I have been fooled, while calling clients, because their gender was not as it sounded nor as their name would suggest. I have called Drews and gotten women (not too unbelievable). Then there was the Joe I called with a deep, raspy voice, and after hanging up I realized I had no idea if I should put a Mr. or Ms. on the fax memo. I had to leave it without a title.

Its always fun to have phone relationships. I have no idea what most of the people I deal with on a daily basis look like. It adds to the mystery. I have my preconceived notions, of for instance, Debbie Devilhorn (see previous blog). She is probably ugly and has horns coming out of her head. There is Sam, who sounds like Sol Rosenberg and who I assume, looks like the cartoon version of the Jerky Boys character. I do not look forward to the day when I meet the people I know and love or hate by the sound of their voices. It would be like meeting Santa Claus and finding out he was a tall, dark-haired, brown-eyed man with no trace of a beard and who was wearing the color purple.