Friday, November 18, 2005

Everyone loves a caffine high!

My good friend Lindsay emailed me upon her return from a coffee run. It seems everyone needs a jolt on mornings that did not start as planned. Most employees drink several cups of ulcer inducing coffee, others sip ounces upon ounces of Diet Coke. Those health nuts among us drink green tea. Some people might take pills. Whatever the source, caffine is almost a necessity and the people who don't require it are blessed with natural energy. Hopefully you sit next to their cube and can soak up some of their emissions. That just sounded gross. I meant like their natural energy aura could somehow be passed along to you if you sit close enough. Its Friday and I am making no sense right on schedule.

Anyway, here is her email and it made me laugh:

11/18/2005 10:49 AM
To: kari
Subject: latte latte

so i went to cosi to get a latte and after i paid the guy was like "do you
want an extra shot?" i said "how about an extra 1/2 shot?" i should not
have done this b/c now my heart is beating at a rapid pace and i feel
slightly ADD. good times on a friday! it's a caffeine high!

I picture her doing 360's in her office chair while saying "a whoo hoo! Its Friday!" This image is probably the result of my natural high-induced hallucinations. As Friday progresses, the hallucinations get worse and worse as I picture the weekend, the bar, the drink I will down in 2 minutes then ask for another...