Thursday, May 26, 2005

Hilarity this morning

As I stepped on the L, I smelled a familiar scent- though not a particularly pleasant one. It was nail polish, and I thought to myself, "how can someone paint their nails on the L?" Well, apparently one can paint their nails on the L- and not just fingernails, but toenails. I looked over to a two-seater in the corner, and a woman had her leg and foot up on the seat next to her, painting her toes. So then I am thinking, "well that nail polish must be clear. How can one paint their nails a color on the train? I can barely paint my nails sitting still, without the added aggrevation of a moving train." The inherent unstable movements of the L, combined with constant stop-and-go action would make it nearly impossible, or so you would think, to paint one's nails. I was shocked yet again. She was painting black nail polish onto her toes. Now THAT my friends, takes talent, or a person with extremely evolved dexterity.

I was walking in a daze, still in awe from the nail painting extraordinaire. As I waited for the light to change at an intersection, I noticed a maniac driver fully switching lanes with every other jerk of his wheel. Then, making an extra bold move (or perhaps it was a mistake resulting from a hyper extension of the wheel), the maniac driver flew into the oncoming traffic lane. That is when I noticed the hood of his car was attached to the front bumber by a bungy rope, and both headlights were smashed out. Clearly the driver has issues and should return to driver's ed to work through them. Lucky for him, he has a quick manuever to get him back into the appropriate lane before the blink of an eye. Yet I suppose it was unlucky for him that he was not able to use this manuever to save his car from the first collision, which caused extreme denting of the front of his car.

Oh the hilarity of this morning- it put me in such a good mood, in hopes that one day I too, can be a nail painting extraordinaire and acquire amazing driving manuevers.