Monday, May 23, 2005

Patrick Dempsey= boo

So I received the synopsis of Grey's Anatomy last night. The fact that Patrick Dempsey's character is married and he did not tell Meredith Grey of his marital status causes his hotness factor to drop significantly. However, since I did not like the character of Meredith to begin with, I feel some kind of satisfaction from this development in the storyline. Dr. Grey isn't Ms. Perfect anymore, now that Dr. Dreamy has made her into a mistress. I feel an evil laugh coming on?

The outcome is most women will not look at Dr. Dreamy in the same light. Why though? Why did the writers have to do this? Just to further the notion that hot doctors- intelligent, rich, successful men are all a$$holes? Can't we just live in a fantasy world where these two people- the doctor and the resident-could have a flawless relationship (other than the working-together issue)?

Maybe the blame lies with Meredith. She knew it was odd Dr. Dreamy was always sleeping at her house. She did not see his "house" until she relentlessly asked to be shown where he lives and he finally gave in (because she said no more sex). And, as it turns out, he lives on a large piece of property in a trailor??? Granted, it was a lovely airstream trailer, but come on. Even I, who wanted so badly to believe that Dr. Dreamy was all good, could not fall for the "I live in a trailer because I like it" idea. How many more red flags did she need? I guess she needed Dr. Dreamy's wife to tell her herself, which made all viewers cringe.

Another television love story so seemingly perfect is quite the opposite and revolves around cheating. I think Patrick Dempsey's character should get killed off the show, then he can move to a new series and redeem himself as the underdog loverboy we all know and love from the 80's. There could be a re-make of "Loverboy," where instead of delivering pizza [and more] to older women, he could ring the bells of 20-something-year-old can see where I am going with this...